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Demonstration version
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Base Pack (KJV)
Starter Pack
AV (1769)
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German Lutherbibel
German Elberfelder
Latin Vulgate
Hebrew OT
Greek NT
Swahili NT
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HolyBible is a fully RISC OS compliant, multi-windowed, multi-version Bible study
application for all Acorn and other computers running RISC OS 3.1 or later.
HolyBible is now at version 2.09, which uses fully 32-bit code and will run on Iyonix computers with RISC OS 5. It has support for speech
if you also have the !Speak application and are using English language Bible versions. A free upgrade and online tutorial
can be reached at the bottom of this page.
Users with PC's running Windows may also run HolyBible, but you require a Virtual Acorn emulator, available for £29 (single-user licence) from
Virtual Acorn direct. Bible text exported from
HolyBible can be imported into Microsoft Word or the word processor of your choice.
Major features include:
- Displays windows for several Bible Versions simultaneously.
- Supports multiple views per Bible Version
- Rich text display with headings, footnotes, and (for most English versions) prose/poetry
styles. For most modern versions such as the NIV, NRSV, REB, GNB the screen display is almost an exact match of the printed Bible!
- Font face, size, aspect, colours of Bible text can be changed at any time. Text is
reformatted on the fly while the window is resized.
- Due to an intelligent cacheing system, viewing several Bible Versions simultaneously is no
problem even on an early Acorn 4MB machine, such as the A5000.
- Parallel tracking of Bible windows. Due to our Universal Canonicalised Numbering
system this even parallel-tracks versions with different numbering schemes correctly.
- Fast, intuitive searching with keyboard mappings for foreign language versions. Word search,
phrase search and word search across multiple verses. All found verses are displayed in a window
and can be saved as a Verse List file.
- User-editable Notes files containing notes for an arbitrary number of verses
- Unique Resources feature:
Resources are files which are tagged to Bible passages. The Resources
window always shows icons for all Resources files which apply to the currently marked verse. Resources
can be any type of file: Text, Draw, Sprite, JPEG, Replay movies etc. Like Bible texts, Resources
can be searched as well.
- Intuitive drag-and-drop feature for Bible references: Bible references in the main Bible
text, in footnotes, in notes, in resources, in verse lists etc. are interpreted by the software.
- Export of Bible verses and passages as plain text to any word processor or as Impression DDF
retaining all styles of the rich text format when exporting to Computer Concepts' Impression family
of word processors and to Ovation Pro.
HolyBible is a modular piece of software. So you can buy the Base Pack (KJV) (containing the King James
Version) first and then add further Bible Versions later.
See a typical HolyBible Version window on this screenshot of HolyBible.
Download the free HolyBible Demo, version 2.06 (530k)
which includes an inbuilt tutorial. This will run on any RISC OS computer including Windows PC's running VirtualAcorn
and the new Iyonix computer (full 32-bit code).
To run this demonstration software on earlier (ARM 26-bit) computers, you may need to update modules in your shared !System resources. Go to the
32-bit !System update site and follow the instructions for your version of the operating system.
For those with 26-bit RISCOS computers who do not wish to update their !System modules due to anxieties about its affect on other existing software,
you can download here the 26-bit HolyBible Demo. This is still version 2.06, but please note that the last full
version of HolyBible which we expect to release that still operates in 26-bit mode is v1.99 (below). The commercial v2.06 is 32-bit code.
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The following files are only useful if you have purchased a full version
of HolyBible.
HolyBible 2.09 uses fully 32-bit code and therefore operates on the Iyonix computers. It can be
used on earlier RISC OS computers if you upgrade to the newer System modules (see below).
You may also want to take the later HolyBible Installer (v1.28) which will operate on all RISC OS computers since OS version 3.1
Check the Changes file for HolyBible 2.09 to
find out whether downloading the latest HolyBible upgrade is worthwhile for your requirements.
Download a free upgrade to HolyBible 2.09; (216k Zip file). This version is fully 32-bit code and requires you to
use the later 32-bit C-library modules. If you need to upgrade your computer go to the
32-bit !System update site and follow the instructions.
If you wish to use the speech function within HolyBible (2.00 or later), then you also require the !Speak application written by Jonathan Duddington.
NB the free demo-version is insufficient – you must purchase the full version for use with HolyBible.
For those using 26-bit RISC OS computers who do not wish to migrate to using the newer 32-bit C-library and other modules,
you may download the upgrade to HolyBible 1.99; (258k Zip file).
An online tutorial on the HTML links features introduced in v1.95 is available on the Web-resource page.
A key strip file in Draw format is available as well.
Users wanting a new printed 'Manual Addendum' booklet, can obtain this
by requesting their upgrade from ExpLAN. This costs £10 +VAT including
postage and the disc includes the most recent copy of the InstallHB software
as well.
Download VerifyHB 1.01, a utility to
verify your HolyBible installation discs.
Download InstallHB 1.28, the Iyonix-aware 32-bit compatible, StarterPack-aware version of the HolyBible installer.
This will operate also work on earlier 26-bit processor systems without upgrading the system modules.
Contact details for ExpLAN Computers Ltd can be found on the ExpLAN homepage.
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