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HolyBible UK BasePack
The main English-language pack for HolyBible. A BasePack or
From time to time other Resource material will be added to the Base Pack at no extra cost. Currently three FREE Resources are being offered:-
Within the Base Pack the later 1833 edition of the KJV is chosen because
it has been revised to remove inconsistencies in translation and grammatical
style. This work was completed by Noah Webster (of Webster's dictionary fame).
Thus the Hebrew word Manorah is always rendered correctly as
Lampstand rather than occasionally as candlestick, as in
the original AV. For those who prefer the original wording, complete with
inconsistencies, we can supply the You should expect to have greater success when searching the text using a translation which is consistent, and many users retain the use of the basic KJV on-screen for this reason even when parallel-tracking a more modern version.
For a more full explanation of the features of the
HolyBible window, click Unlike many of our more modern Bible translations, the KJV is not fully typeset. However within HolyBible it, and indeed all other text, is rendered using the RISC OS outline fonts system. The actual font used, and other attributes such as its size colour and inter-line spacing can be altered to the user's choice. This configuration is automatically retained when exporting to a full DTP application such as Impression or OvationPro. Strong's lexiconStrong's Hebrew & Greek lexicon is a standard reference work. Within the HolyBible Base Pack it is tied to the text of the KJV such that clicking on a word will open the appropriate reference window.
Whenever a word displayed in the Strongs lexicon window is derived from another, as in the illustration above (word reference 06509), HolyBible will permit you to reach the root word(s) by clicking on the reference number. The King James Authorized Version is licensed for use via the Crown Patentees, The Syndicate of Cambridge University Press; all rights acknowledged PricingOrder as HolyBible; UK Base Pack
Contact details for ExpLAN Computers Ltd can be found on the