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HolyBible; Russian Synodal Text moduleThe Russion Synodal Text of the Bible is published with the permission of Missionbund Licht im Osten.
This is a high quality modern Russian text, suitable for missionary work in Russia and ex-Soviet states. The Bible text is internally renumbered to the Hebrew/Greek scholarly standard used in our Universalised Canoniclised Numbering. As such it will correctly auto-track other Bible versions being read in parallel regardless of the displayed verse numbering or order. The module includes a Cyrillic keyboard mapping system, enabling words to be entered in Russian into the Search window. The key mapping is identical to the full keyboard driver which may be purchased separately from The PricingOrder as HolyBible; RST add-on module This module contains the necessary Cyrillic outline fonts in three weights required to display the text. You do not need to purchase fonts separately.
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