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HolyBible; Greek New Testament module

Novum Testamentum Graece; Nestle Aland 27th Edition

This is an add-on module for HolyBible and requires a BasePack to be installed first.

This is an essential study tool for Bible scholars and church ministers alike. The Nestle Aland edition is probably the most commonly used source text by those who wish to read the New Testament in its original language.

Greek NT screen

This electronic edition uses a rich text format including prose & poetry typestyles and other typographic features as found in the printed tests. It is internally referenced to UC Numbering, and will correctly auto-track with other versions being read in parallel which employ a different verse numbering scheme.

This module contains a keyboard-mapping feature, enabling the user to enter Greek words into a search expression without the requirement to purchase a full keyboard driver. Those who purchase a suitable Classical Greek keyboard driver for use with a word processor may use this in preference to the internal mapping within HolyBible.

The Greek New Testament is published under licence from Die Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Suttgart (German Bible Society); all rights acknowledged


Order as HolyBible; Greek NT add-on module

Single-user licence: £ 25 + VAT
Site-licence; Schools and Colleges: £ 50 + VAT

You require a suitable Classical Greek font to use this module. If you do not have one you may order it separately:-


A medium and bold weight of a Classical Greek font are required to render this module correctly within HolyBible. Order as:-

Times Classical Greek font£ 20 + VAT

Please enquire for this font on site-licence terms.

Contact details for ExpLAN Computers Ltd can be found on the ExpLAN homepage.

Keyboard driver

A keyboard driver is also available to facilitate the entry of Greek text directly into a word-processor. For this and details of alternative classical Greek fonts, see the website of The Electronic Font Foundry.

It is not necessary to purchase this keyboard driver in order to use the Greek NT module within HolyBible since words can be entered into the search window using its inbuilt keyboard mapping system.

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Last modified: 20-Sep-2000