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HolyBible; Good News Bible moduleThis is an add-on module for HolyBible and requires a
The Good News Bible is an anglicised (non-American!) text which includes the deutero-canonical books or Apocrypha. This is the second edition text licensed from the Bible Society. The GNB uses a reduced vocabulary range of only 1200 different words and is easily understood by children who have limited vocabulary or those with a low reading-age.
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The text is fully typeset and, within HolyBible, is rendered using the RISC OS outline fonts system. The verses are internally renumbered to UCN to permit it to correctly auto-track with other versions that use different verse numbering or order. The GNB module comes complete with a Resource Module containing 120 of the famous line drawings by Annie Vallotton covering Genesis, Exodus, the four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles.
Line drawingsThe GNB Graphics Resource is tagged to the Bible text, and will automatically present the user with any relevant items which are available. Some items, particularly in the Gospels, are tagged to multiple locations because the story is related more than once. The graphics are redrawn in a high-resolution vector-format (Drawfile) and can be exported and printed at different scales without loss of detail. They are deliberately left in black and white only to facilitate their being coloured in by young children. Teachers' notes are also supplied, providing ideas for educational use of these drawings. The complete set of 640 GNB illustrations are available separately on a The Good News Bible and the illustrations are published under licence from The Bible Society; all rights acknowledged PricingOrder as HolyBible; GNB add-on module
The full site licence pack is supplied with a free copy of the The GNB is also available in a
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