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Places of WorshipA 3D graphics library for use with !ExpectPlaces of Worship comprises items and furniture which may be found in Christian churches. It is designed for use within Religious Education in schools, where it may be employed to illustrate certain aspects of layout and architecture which are distinctive for a particular denomination. This software will appeal to R.E. teachers in both primary and secondary schools looking for quality IT resources. The graphics are high-resolution vector images, and may be re-sized without degradation of quality for use in pupils' materials. Even the humblest artist will have no difficulty in taking thse pre-drawn objects and dropping them into the desired position, producing some stunning pictures:-
The Places of Worship pack is supplied on floppy disc together with a copy of the An illustrated Manual provides instructions on
System requirements: RISC OS 3.1 or later with 2Mb minimum memory.
PricingOrder as Places of Worship
Contact details for ExpLAN Computers Ltd can be found on the